Balanced Life - Only Do What You Have To

When Henry Ward Beecher was asked how it was that he could accomplish so much more than other men, he replied: "I don't do more, but less, than other people. They do all their work three times over: once in anticipation, once in actuality, once in rumination. I do mine in actuality alone, doing it once instead of three times."

Did you read that statement? How many times have you created a list; or just did not put something on a list; or maybe sat outside a customers office because you were playing out in your mind what would happen when you did the thing your knew you were supposed to do? Chances are you have procrastinated before. Nike gave us the phrase, "Just Do It." I think they took Mr. Beecher's sentiment and condensed it. If you want a balanced life you must stop projecting your thoughts on something before it happens and quit worrying about what you should have done after it is passed.

Three good ways to break this cycle are:

1. Change your thoughts. I know this sounds over simplified but it is true. The best way to change your life is to change your mind. Think about people in your life that affirm you. Think about what made you happy when you were a kid. Think about what makes you happy now; wife, husband, family, art, music, football, whatever.

2. Change your heart. What you let into your heart is what stays in your life. If you are constantly playing out what the next business deal is or where the next sell is coming from or how the bills are going to get paid stop because these things are going to become habits then you may get stuck in a rut you will need more than coaching to get out of. I'm not saying don't plan and set goals. I am saying quit playing in your mind and just do it.

3. Change your future. Find someone to come along side you as a coach or mentor that can help you set goals and keep you accountable to those goals.

Plan daily what you are going to do and do your most important things. Do not spend time wrestling with the; "should I do this or the", "I wish I had done that." Make quick but solid decisions and trust your gut. Always focus on the task at hand.

Steve Crenshaw is a Christian teacher, speaker, and author who is helping individual believers "Deepen their Walk" with Christ. Steve Blogs at []Stephen and []Spiritual Teamwork

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