Time Management - Learning From Your Day

One of the easiest ways to improve your time management skills, or anything, is to review what you have done everyday. By doing this one simple act you can greatly improve your life and give yourself more time.

At the end of everyday you should review how you spent your time, and what you spent your time on. Make a note of any tasks that took longer than normal or were there any additional tasks that were given to you that you did not expect?

Was there a person that was slowing you down? Did you surf the internet too much when you should have been working? This is one of the biggest time wasters there is.

Meetings are one of the biggest time wasters there is. Are there meetings you could avoid, or get out of? Could you cancel meetings?

By doing this review daily you can begin to see patterns in your days. Are some projects taking longer than you have scheduled each day? Does there always seem to be one person who seems to monopolize your time and slow you down?

This is a simple but very powerful exercise that usually doesn't take more than 5 to 10 minutes to do but could easily save you over an hour a day.

Start doing this exercise at the end of your workday today, or tonight. This simple exercise will do more to improve your life than all the electronic organizers in the world. Focus on gradual continuous improvement in your life.

FREE Time Management book

Visit http://1timemanagement.com to get your free book that includes time logs and forms.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Luke_Blaise

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