How to Super Charge your Productivity

Author: Stephen Martile

The biggest barrier to productivity is not a lack of time like most think. When you dig deep down to the core of the problem, a lack of productivity comes from a lack of integrity. Most people will say one thing and then do another. When you’re not integral to your word you create more work for yourself and that leads to a lack of productivity.

Here’s one way to look at it. Let’s say I ask you out for dinner. I phone up and say, “hey, would you be interested in going out to dinner with me this Friday?” and you say, “Sure, I’ll meet at 7:00 pm.” At this point I’ve committed my time to go to dinner with you. I’ve declared an action. Friday comes along and it’s getting close to 7:00 pm, no Steve. Now it’s past 7:00pm! Still no Steve. It’s 8:00 pm and you get a phone call from me. “Hey, I wanted to let you know I won’t be able to make it tonight. I hope you understand. Do you want to reschedule for next Friday?” You give it some thought and then accept.

The following Friday comes along and I miss dinner again! This time you’re really pissed and I call you to reschedule for a third time. ”Hey, sorry bout that. Do you want to meet next Friday?”

Big Question: Do you want to meet with me?

I’m going to guess that chances are pretty slim. You’ve had enough at this point. You don’t believe that I’m going to show up next time because you don’t believe what I say. The reason you don’t believe what I say is because you don’t trust me. Most people would cut me some slack for missing dinner the first time, but after that they’re probably thinking I’m full of it. You really can’t take me for my word.

Not a big deal right? WRONG. It is a big deal. If you don’t trust me, then who else doesn’t trust me? ME. That’s right. If you don’t trust me then I don’t trust ME either. It works both ways. This is a problem.

A lack of trust leads to low self confidence. Your view of yourself diminishes greatly when you can’t trust yourself. If you have a low opinion of your self, how effective do you think you’ll be?

What Not To Do

This is a big one. Never commit to do something that you know you won’t do. Stop yourself from committing to things that you aren’t going to do. If someone asks you to do something and you don’t want to, tell them that. Save yourself the trouble and only commit to actions that will move you forward and inspire you to become the bigger you.

This has been a real problem for me in the past. I used to over commit myself so that I could look good and impress others. The biggest mistake I made was trying to impress. The reason I was trying to impress is so I could feed my ego and boost my low self confidence. This doesn’t really work. It’s like covering up a piece of crap by putting ice cream on it. That fact still remains that crap is sitting under the ice cream. You can’t get rid of crap by putting ice cream over it. You get rid of the crap by taking inspired actions and committing to the actions that are important to the REAL you.

Deliberate Creation

So let’s look at this from the other side of the coin. Let’s say you’re ready to move to the next step and take some inspired actions.

You may start by telling someone you’re going to go to the gym this week three times. The week goes by and you manage to hit the gym three times. You said you would go to the gym three times and you did. You start to feel good about yourself and build your confidence. You start thinking about committing to something bigger, something a little more risky.

This time you commit to earning $500 by the end of the month with your online business. The month goes by and you are $500 richer. You say to yourself, “Wow, this is really working. I said something and it happened.” This elevates your confidence even more. You begin to build trust in yourself. You declare a commitment and it happens. It became a reality for you. You declare a result and you got it. This process reinforces your power as a deliberate creator. You SAY it and therefore it IS. Every time you say something and it comes true, you reinforce yourself as a deliberate creator. How many of you would be interested in that?

If you’re going to be productive then you will need to trust yourself. You do this by being your word. Not only does this mean following through on what you declare to others, it also means following through on what you declare to yourself.

Productivity Test

If there is no integrity then you’re wasting your efforts. It takes a whole lot more energy and action to get results when you’re out of integrity. Save yourself time and energy by completing the things you SAID you would do - to others and to yourself. One way to gauge your integrity is with this productivity test.

The test is simple:

1) Write out your commitments for the day.

2) At the end of the day, check your list of commitments and see how many you’ve completed.

Most people will never completely follow through on all of their daily commitments whether they’re written or verbal. Some people will get distracted and loose interest in what’s most important to them. This behaviour is the quickest way to increase your workload.

On the other hand, you may be one of the very few who complete all their daily commitments. This is a sign that you’re leading a life of deliberate creation. You may want to look at bigger commitments that will take you out of your comfort zone and get you where you want to be.

Get Back Into Integrity

The best way that I know to get back into integrity is to follow through with your completions. Start small and build. Start by choosing small commitments that you know you can complete and do them. Each day begin to increase the size and number of your commitments. As you start to complete the items on your list you’ll notice increased self confidence. Increased self confidence will help you to re-establish trust with yourself. Once you trust yourself, you’ll be able to get more done and that will lead to increased productivity.

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About the Author:

Stephen Martile

Want to learn more? Check out my personal development blog at

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